2nd battalion,3rd line on coke bottle lids |
We have just finished a British 28mm Artillery Battery. In this case the buyer wanted to base them themselves. This unit has just been shipped the US.
Leaving Napoleonic for a moment we have a small army of Games Workshop High Elves approaching completion. These figures are part of a boxed set which also included a Skaven Army. This particular customer has sent us a large variety of figures from AWI,Lord of the Rings, Wildest Africa,Warhammer 40K , World War II, Napoleonics and many other fantasy figures. 

Also on the go is a horde of 28mm ancients. This commission of 100 figures is the second lot for this customer and each figure will based on a 20mm X 20mm ply base. The first lot included almost 90 ancient German horde and archers plus roman legionnaires and cavalry.
Going back to Napoleonics we have an unusual unit approaching completion in the form of Napoleons Legion Irelandis. These Irish fighters fought for Napoleon and wore french units in the characteristic Irish Green. Also approaching completion is a unit of the British 16th Light Dragoons. These are part of a commission which includes cavalry and artillery in metals.That's all for now. We have a number of orders also appearing on the table but they have not really got going yet so have not appeared in this report.