Fresh off the painting table are these 1809 Wurttemburgers. These 28mm figures are from Front Rank Miniatures and have been painted using Vallejo and foundry acrylics and then washed and matt varnished. We have been painting a lot of Front Rank figures recently and have found the quality excellent
Pictured are a number of line battalions and a light infantry battalion plus the 1st Regiment of Chevaulegers.
Painting sources and uniforms have been from
empire/ and both of which provide excellent information on the period.
Each Regiment had two battalions and the Regiments shown in these pictures are the 6th Kronprinz, the 2nd Herzog Wilhelm and the 1st Von Phull as well as the 1st light infantry battalion commanded by Von Wolff.
1st Light Infantry battalion |
1st Regiment Herzog Heinrich |
1st Battalion von Phull |
rear view Herzog Wilhelm |
rear view Kronprinz battalion |
Rear view 1st Light Battalion |
Skirmish stand Kronprinz regiment (white facings,red piping and yellow buttons) |
More pics to follow shortly.
If you want figures painted either visit our website at or email us at