Yes, Christmas is coming and with it the end of 2018 and the sound of the postie bringing painted goodies. While Mary has had to cut back on her painting due too family commitments, I have been feverishly working to get all of your figures out for the festive break, so here's just a few picks of some of the approximatly 200 figures that will have marched across my painting table in the last two months. Dutch Carabiniere, British Napoleonic Infantry, WWII 8th Army, Napoleonic Austrians and a regiment of French Chasseurs are all forming up and awaiting the inevitable meeting with a sheet of bubble wrap. We are already taking commissions for the New Year too. 1866 Austrians, Napoleonic French Infantry, some Zulus (I adore that film), the Defenders of Rorke's Drift and Colonial British Infantry (Sudan) are all queing up to be painted, so Generals if you're planning to spend your Xmas money on figures, better get in quick. In the meantime, to all our customer, new and old, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Cheers Jono.

Dutch Carabiniere |
8th Army Desert Rats |
A Full Brigade of Old Nosey's Thin Red Line |
Austrians |